Travelers are responsible for booking their own flights to Costa Rica (LIR) Guanacaste Airport or Juan Santamaría International Airport (SJO)

All Travelers are responsible for booking their own flights.

We strongly recommend booking your flight as early as possible. Be sure you are booking flights to the correct airport. No adjustments will be made based on incorrect booking destination. We encourage you to book earlier departure flight if possible in order to avoid delays.

Complimentary roundtrip transfers are only from (LIR). To guarantee your complimentary transfer, each traveler must send their travel info at least 6 weeks before departure.


As another option, travelers can fly into Juan Santamaría International Airport (SJO) airport as they may have more affordable options.

In this case, travelers are responsible to book there own transfers.

A great option to book transfers from SJO to resort is Please visit website, click on “rates”, select San Jose Airport under “departing from”, and then select Guanacaste under “going to”. The more people in the group, the more affordable the trip will be. Also, make sure to book a return trip to (SJO) as well.

We recommend using one of the recommended services listed below.